I’ve always thought that eating organically was a healthy lifestyle for people who wanted to live longer lives. I did not even know what organic was until about a few years ago. I always had the idea that eating locally and organically was an inconvenience much like Adam Gopnik believes because only certain stores carry organic food. But why is organic food truly better than regular food? Is it really better? When I was little and my family bought some organic fruit, I remember finding a bug in it because organic food is more prone to bugs because of the lack of pesticides use, so for a while after that, I was discusted by it.
According to Pollan’s “ The Omnivores Dilemma” there has not been too much research about the effects of pesticide use vs. organic.The answer to the question, "is organic food healthier than conventional food," was proved by Davis researchers that organic food carries a higher level or vitamin c and a vast assortment of polyphenols. However, Genetically engineering crops is actually easier than growing organically because of the weed pulling , tilling and manual work needed for organic food. So why even bother with growing organic food if we don’t know too much about the harm pesticides cause? Because what we do know is that unlike genetically engineered food, “organic food does not carry pesticide residue-- the traces of the carcinogens neurotoxins, and endocrine disruptors routinely found in conventional meat.” Although we cant really say that these elements can cause cancer or effect us neurologically or sexually because of the lack of knowledge we have about it, we can't say that they do not make us sick either. The federal organic program argued in 2000, “Organic food is no better than conventional food. The organic label is a marketing tool. It is not a statement about food safety nor is “organic” a value judgment about nutrition or quality.” Because there are arguments agreeing and disagreeing that organic food is better than inorganic, it is really hard to tell whether or not growing organically is worth the trouble. I hope that in the future more research will be done about the harmful effects of pesticide use resulting in concrete facts about inorganic vs. organic. I think for now people eat organically more for the environment and for the health of themselves and others. These people do not want to take any chances with additives nor pesticides that may be the leading causes of many diseases. I do not believe that organic is simply a marketing tool to sell more expensive food, rather it is a way of life to know what is being ingested , and a way for one to take care of their body and the body of the world.

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